What best describes your hereditary ATTR (hATTR) amyloidosis experience?

hATTR amyloidosis is a rare, hereditary condition that can progress rapidly

Quote About Hope for the hATTR Amyloidosis Community
Quote About Hope for the hATTR Amyloidosis Community

Hear about David’s journey to diagnosis


Watch David's Story

Start creating your support system

Quote About Acceptance After an hATTR Amyloidosis Diagnosis
Quote About Acceptance After an hATTR Amyloidosis Diagnosis

Find tips on talking with your family about your diagnosis and helping them understand the condition

Your family and hereditary ATTR amyloidosis

A brochure to help guide important discussions with family and loved ones

Our hATTR amyloidosis journey

A collection of personal experiences from people living with hATTR amyloidosis


Learn how you can best support your loved one

Quotes About Mentally Coping with hATTR Amyloidosis
Quotes About Mentally Coping with hATTR Amyloidosis

Get to know the symptoms and the effects they can have on you and your family

Your family and hereditary ATTR amyloidosis

A helpful guide for both those with hATTR amyloidosis and their caregivers

Roland and his wife Nicky share their experience of living with hATTR amyloidosis


Watch Roland's Story

Learn how the condition occurs, what the symptoms are, and how it may affect your family

Read about the next steps after diagnosis and tips on how to talk to your family

Hear from people about their experiences living with hATTR amyloidosis


Information and Support Groups

Amyloidosis Alliance logo

Amyloidosis Alliance is an international umbrella patient advocacy organisation, aiming to raise awareness and improve the quality of care of amyloidosis patients.


UK ATTR Amyloidosis Patients’ Association

UK ATTR Amyloidosis Patients' Association acts to provide extensive patient information and support.


ATTR Amyloidosis All Ireland Support Group

ATTR Amyloidosis All Ireland Support Group offers support to patients affected by Hereditary ATTR Amyloidosis or Wild Type ATTR Amyloidosis. We are committed to raising awareness to ensure people are diagnosed and have access to available treatments at the earliest opportunity.

Amyloidosis Alliance logo


STAR: The Symptom Tracker app does not pursue a medical purpose. It is designed to keep a record of users’ symptoms, how they change over time and their impact on users’ well-being and lifestyle. The app is not intended as a disease monitoring tool or as a symptoms checker. To have symptoms checked, users are advised to talk to their healthcare professional. Furthermore, STAR: The Symptom Tracker app does not make any medical diagnoses. Users are advised to seek the advice of a medical professional if they are concerned about their health.